• naXture Guide Launch: The world’s first actuator with the sixth sense.

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    MetisMotion sets a new standard
    for electric actuators

    Who we are

    We are MetisMotion, a Munich-based technology company built on decades of development experience in industrial actuator systems. With our patented actuator platform naXture, we are helping to make people more independent of their own physical strength. Be it through intelligent positioning systems in production, collaborative robots for assembly tasks, bionic hand prostheses for a better quality of life on a daily basis or through electrification in aviation for environmentally friendly travel.

    What we do

    We provide the answer to the question of intelligent and clean actuators

    At MetisMotion, we manufacture customised and modular actuator systems based on our patented naXture technology. Developed and designed according to a unique model from nature: the human muscle. Maximum effectiveness for the highest force or speed requirements, even in limited mechanical power ranges. Robust and compact for use in the smallest installation spaces. And extremely economical – with up to 75 percent less energy consumption compared to familiar pneumatic drives, for example.

    One actuator – many applications

    The modular design of naXture allows each customer to have a tailor-made system.

    What makes us different from others?

    We start where others reach their limits

    Learning from nature’s example and treading new paths as a result makes us what we are. With curiosity and technical savvy, we overcome unsolved problems and create real innovations that previously seemed unfeasible due to technical limitations.

    Why you should work with us

    Together we set new standards for flexible actuator systems

    Industrial automation is caught in a field of tension – between efficient scaling and increasing demand for flexibility for the smallest batch sizes. Flexible assembly lines in decentralised production environments therefore require the use of intelligent systems. This is exactly where we come in: with our customised application solutions – from batch size 1 to large-scale production. For our actuators and in your automation solution.


    Which actuation problem can we solve for you?